Where it all tied together

In the beginning it all began with the statement

“Let Us”,

Unity in its perfection,

Never has it been heard that they were separate

The early believers all in one accord,

Just as the good old book of the Acts stated

Unity could and can not be overemphasized

Life in its sense was birth in Unity

We all claim to be members of his body yet separated in heart and fellowship

Integration and integrity missing

But imbalance and disproportion daily on the increase,

It is dominant in our gatherings of thanksgiving to the most holy and most United

Yet dissimilarity is found among the body of the most High, where concerns are to outshine

It is also dominant in that home where on Sunday mornings, the car is parked full with all members of a family but where God is absent due to lack of this important tie

It gradually creeps in to the Home,

Abiding and eating deep into the once loved filled lives,

Gradually love disintegrates and dislike pops up,

Daily its roots get hold and firm on the foundation that was once in Christ,

When the snow shines, when the storm breezes in, when there’s a little rain

It all comes crashing leading to Divorce, Separation, Dishonesty, and where it gets its proper hold may lead to Hell

Therefore, we all as body of His Kingdom,

Pray to rekindle the love, first in our homes,

That will shed the light, streaming from our hearts to everyone around us

And hereby, More love will Spring forth and grow daily among the Brethren

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it | Ephesians 5:25

Your royal-green thought